Dick Yarbrough’s column invariably invokes a response from his readers.
Yarbrough received over 1,000 email responses last year – both positive and negative. Though most of the emails he receives support his viewpoints, one thing is for sure: Dick Yarbrough’s column speaks to people and they respond. Here is a sampling of email responses Yarbrough has received in the past:
- Tongue in cheek or not, you hit the right chords on your political commentary. Perhaps the best way to draw attention to political shenanigans is via the pen of the humorist.
- Thanks for writing what we all are thinking.
- If you want to engage in name calling then maybe you should submit your opinions to some grammar school newsletter where such a writing style may be more appropriate.
- Your writing remind me a lot of Art Buchwald, who I grew up reading in the old Atlanta Journal and Constitution.
- That was just an amazing, wonderfully composed set of thoughts that read like warm honey !! I got my entire week’s worth of smiles and chuckles from it.
- I am annoyed by anybody who presumes to know what Georgians think. And that, sir, includes you.
- Just the right balance of sarcasm and topical treatment, ridiculing the oafs of this world and the do-gooders who do more harm than good. Keep it up.
- Thank you so much for your voice because teachers have so few rational thinking people out there telling the real story.
- Do you ever read your own rants?
- Thank you for having the courage and the “way with words” to express what many of us are thinking. Keep up the great work!
- I read your articles faithfully. As a sitting high school principal juggling all kinds of programs, issues, requirements, etc. I routinely read your work and cheer out loud for your efforts to educate those outside of education.
- Your articles are terrific. They make me laugh, fume, gasp and sometimes even smile or swear – and sometime smile and swear.
- Just finished reading your column and as usual enjoyed it very much. Real thrilled that there is someone that is still willing to put in print the truth.
- When it comes to presenting your views, you are a public giant but when it comes to defending them you are a private wimp.
- You are my hero — I do believe that the late Lewis Grizzard, a fellow Jawja graduate, is speaking to you from the grave.
- Maybe you should write more carefully, you thoughtless bigot. I’m training Fido right now to attack a cardboard cutout of you, so you better not walk by my neighborhood.
- Thanks for a great column. I haven’t laughed so hard in years.
- I don’t usually read editorials because I am a school teacher and shoot out the door in the morning leaving the paper for my husband to read, and my blood pressure can’t take them sometimes. I’m lucky if I get the headlines read. This summer I have really enjoyed reading your column though and will probably make time for it during the school year.
- You talk about respect of a lot of things yet you are always disrespecting one of our past presidents. This would seem to fly in direct conflict with your views on respect. Maybe you can enlighten your readers on when respect is to be given sometimes but not all the time.
- Your penchant for thumping the tub is so often directed amiss. This is a tendency you seem to share with too many other Georgians.
- It is rare that I laugh aloud when reading. But something about the Roy Acuff Institute of Southern Banjo Music and Roadside Fireworks just hit me right. Splendid, albeit lunatic, notion.
- It just amazes me that people such as yourself, who have the ability to shape minds and attitudes, can be so darn ignorant.
- Keep on writing and I will keep on reading.
If you would like to email your comments to Dick Yarbrough, click here or on the email link at the top of the page.